ABout Us

In a style they define as Art-Pop, Les Soliloques draw their influences from modern Indie-Rock, Folk, from Pop forms and Classical styles to mirror their inner monologues; the soliloquies that become songs. From above, they observe humanity and its paradoxes. From down here, they face the mirror, the clear and lucid reflection of their past. Les Soliloques present songs that will make you reflect on your own life.

Founded in 2016, the Franco-Ontarian band from Kingston, Ontario participated in the Rond Point residency and appeared on the television show TFO 24.7 that same year. After a few shows in 2017, Les Soliloques began recording their first studio effort in the summer of 2018. The resulting EP, was released on February 8th 2019. Quel que soit notre sort is reflection on the states of mind that race through our human lives. Torn between hope and despair, sickly love, responsibility and fate, this EP explores the state of human relations and its paradoxes.


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